Federal Judge Rules PA COVID Restrictions UNCONSTITUTIONAL

In a decision just issued in County of Butler, et al. v. Governor Wolf, et al., Judge William Stickman, IV of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania has ruled that “(1) the congregate gathering limits imposed by Defendants’ mitigation orders violate the right of assembly enshrined in the First Amendment; (2) that the stay-at-home and business closure components of Defendants’ orders violate the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment; and (3) the business closure components of the Defendants’ orders violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Please join us in congratulating Judge Stickman, IV in upholding his oath of office to support and defend the US Constitution.

If you or someone you know has had their rights violated by a Government agency, contact Prince Law Offices today to discuss YOUR rights and legal options.

12 thoughts on “Federal Judge Rules PA COVID Restrictions UNCONSTITUTIONAL

  1. Notice Sweden fell off the media coverage. They reached herd immunity. Same with this shut down. It only delayed the on set of herd immunity. In 1969 we had the Hong Kong flu pandemic. 400,000 young people attended the Woodstock Rock Festival. No shut down of the economy nor any contact tracing . No media coverage on the pandemic.

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    1. You probably are referring to an “Assault Rifle”. The anti gun groups don’t use the term “assault weapon” Anyhow it’s a rifle that is able to be fired on either automatic or semi automatic. for example the M-16. The AR-15 can only be fired semi automatic.so is not an assault weapon. With regards to prohibitive offensive weapons, the Pa. code has a list of them.

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  2. Hope to see the mask mandate found unconstitutional too.. They dont really work,,, They work if in your mind you believe they do….. Hope that both Richard levine and Rom Wolf are held and found guilty of killing innocen t people due to Levine’s decision to pull his mother out of the nursing home and sent sick people in to those same nu It really wasnt the Governor laying down the restrictions Levine did and Wolf agreed because he didn t have a set of balls to do it himself. Just my opinion

    Liked by 1 person

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