Russian Roulette Pt 12: The PA GOP Pre-Primary Endorsement Death Knell

To many Republican voters, yesterday’s election results were not surprising in the least – an across the board loss by all PA GOP statewide candidates. And unlike in years past, where Republican voters were left scratching their heads, this year is different. This year, voters’ eyes have been opened as to the disenfranchisement of their voices as a result of the Party’s insatiable need – contrary to our direct primary system – to endorse pre-primary, the purging of Patriot and America First elected county GOP members, and the shenanigans occurring within the Party, including false contentions about a “unanimous endorsement” and pay-to-play Party endorsements. To put it succinctly, the Republican voter-base is fed up with the BS and elected to stay home on Election Day. And on the cusp of the 2024 election cycle, this is extremely disconcerting, especially when it doesn’t need to be this way…

If our Party is going to survive and flourish in Pennsylvania, we need change…and a lot of it. And that is a sentiment that has been echoed by the dozens of State Committee members who have called and texted me over the past several weeks, as they saw the writing on the wall well in advance of yesterday. We need new leadership within the Party, immediately. We need to elect leadership – outside of State Committee – with energy and integrity and whom are open to new ideas and learning from what has worked, for example, in Florida, which has everything from early to mail-in ballot voting. We also need leadership that listens and starts with 67 day, 67 county listening tour, so they can start to formulate a plan to unite the Party. And we need new leadership who understand the purpose of the direct primary system and will return us to that foundational bedrock; whereby, the Party ceases to endorse pre-primary and allows its members to all have an equal say in the primary, with the understanding that post-primary, we rally behind whomever our Party selects. But perhaps most importantly, we need new principled leadership whom truly have the Party’s best interest – not their or a third party’s best interest – at heart and with the proper temperament to bring everyone to the table and unite us, unlike anything ever seen before.

It can be done. But the question is, will several principled leaders with integrity and a true love for the Party rise to the occasion and will State Committee do what is necessary to save our Party. Only time will tell…and unfortunately, we’re extremely short on time…

4 thoughts on “Russian Roulette Pt 12: The PA GOP Pre-Primary Endorsement Death Knell

  1. 100% agreement from me. PA GOP serves itself and most voters figure it is an exclusive club and Republican voters must accept their choices, not voters choice. Although I supported Mastriano as candidate My choice was Dave White. When PA GOP selected Oz to run for Senator my gut told me it was no wise, but I supported him. Seems to me PA GOP leadership (all seven) is quite content with their decisions. I would like Independent or Unaffiliated registered voters be given option to vote in either Republican or Democrat primary by voting year as done in North Carolina. Meanwhile I’m praying for new leadership with integrity, principles, and who know that God’s laws came before human laws were ever voted on.


  2. The Republican Party in Pennsylvania is nearing its end. Nobody can be sure what it stands for, and as this Election Day has shown nobody cares to be bothered anymore.

    Third parties were mentioned, I switched my registration to Libertarian a few years back after realizing that the state Republican Party and my local Republican officials care about enriching themselves and not much else.

    I was told I was wasting my vote on libertarians I have voted for (I do not vote strictly L) but isn’t that what just happened here with everyone who voted (R)?

    The Republican Party is just the flip side of the Democrat Party, each wants to control you in their own favored way, I’m done with it, and it seems others are as well.


  3. Hi Joshua,

    I am interested in becoming a committee member but I do not know how. Can you guide me?

    Sincerely, Angie


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